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We love surf is a project that started out as a bit of fun thanks to Andrea Marcori (Kobayshi/CuraroDischi) in 2010. He wanted to connect his love for surf with his musical carreer.
In 2011 the Bear Pro Longboard World Title Competition made them their house band and used the songs from their first EP (Holiday) for the event.
After this We Love Surf made a video of the soundtrack of the event (Always on the run) and this has been well received both in and out of Italy.
In October 2012 the first album “Go!” was brought out after the release of their single “Turn off Television”, which video was shot by Nicola Bresciani (Surf Culture Group). This gave them a lot of exposure throughout Italy’s surf scene.
Not long after, they shot another video (“The True Story”), this time produced by Inktheweb and recorded on a GoPro.
“Up and Riding” is their second album, and was released in March 2014.
It has been well received by the critics:
“… happy and fresh, definitely easy to listen to…” – Rockit
“… a pleasant antidote against Modern Life’s strain… “ – Rockerilla
“…definitely a sunny album…” – Rumore
After this release followed a tour through Italy that counted more than 70 gigs.
We Love Surf was lucky to have an exclusive video preview of their single “Do you” on Rollingstone magazine’s homepage, as well as a streaming preview on,.
They have been invited at the TV show Occupy DJ and were special guests at RadioRai Music Club.
Hurley approached We Love Surf, and sponsored them during their summer-tour.
At the moment the band is working on the third album, and is getting ready for their Hawaiian Sunset tour, due in 2015.
We Love Surf è un progetto che nasce un po per gioco nel 2010 grazie ad Andrea Marcori (Kobayashi/CuraroDischi) e alla sua voglia di connettere il surf praticato e musica.
Nel 2011 ha prestato i brani di “Holiday Ep” per il “Bear Pro Longboard World Title”, finale del Campionato Del
Mondo di Surf, disputato a Levanto (Sp).
Nel 2012 esce per Curaro Dischi il primo album ‘Go!’,anticipato dal video del singolo “Turn Off Television” girato da Nicola Bresciani (Surf Culture Group) con la partecipazione dei migliori surfisti
italiani del momento (Angelo Bonomelli, Roberto D’amico, Thomas Cravarezza…
Nel 2014, esce ‘Up and Riding’che segna importanti cambiamenti a livello musicale portando la band verso un sound più
rocknroll, grazie anche al nuovo assetto live in trio (chitarra-basso-batteria).
70 concerti in giro per l’Italia, anteprima video di ‘Do You’ in esclusiva su RollingStone, streaming su, partecipazione ad OCCUPY DJ e a RADIORAI Music Club e sponsorizzazione dal prestigioso marchio HURLEY.
Nel 2015 la band rivisita in chiave surf ‘Dune Buggy’ degli Oliver Onions, da li partirà il tour estivo per tutta la penisola. Un tour estivo caratterizzato da numeroso concerti in duo, voce/chitarra e batteria. Il nuovo assetto in duo ha caratterizzato anche il nuovo album, Peachy Keen, in uscita per Curaro Dischi il 27 maggio 2016.
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