Si ricorda che per poter partecipare a qualsiasi attività all’interno del circolo è necessario mostrare la tessera ACSI dell’anno corrente ed un documento d’identità; l’ingresso è vietato ai minorenni.
Giacomo – Bass,vocals
Claudio – Guitar,acoustic guitar,vocals
Simone – Guitar,acoustic guitar,vocals
Nicola – Drums,percussion
Patrizio “Biagio” -Diidjeridoo
Città natale
Tool, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Black Label Society,Pride & Glory, Kyuss, A Perfect Circle, Jane’s Addiction, Radiohead, Afterhours, Freakdolls, Mark Lanegan, Metallica, Interpol, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Sistem of a down…
La musica dei KUIRINO spazia dal tipico grunge dei primi anni ‘90 (Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam) al primo hard rock degli anni ’70 (Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath), dalle sonorità più acustiche degli stessi Zeppelin e dei Rolling Stones al folk rivisto e corretto dell’Appennino Pistoiese o ai più induriti e stravaganti riarrangiamenti della pop music italiana. Per queste ragioni non la si può collocare in un genere musicale preciso e definito.
La presenza in diversi brani di strumenti quali le tablas e il didjeridoo, conferiscono al sound tessuti e sfumature tendenzialmente “etniche” e orientaleggianti, che mescolate agli elaborati controcanti danno luogo a singolari contrasti.
I Kuirino suonano dal vivo sia in versione “elettrica” che in versione “acustica” e in entrambi casi lo spettacolo è molto dinamico e diversificato.
La sezione elettrica si avvale di riff e soli spesso molto sporchi e incisivi e le sonorità che ne derivano sono particolarmente dure e grintose, mentre quella acustica assume toni senz’altro più “pacati” (senza tuttavia perdere in dinamismo) grazie all’utilizzo di chitarre e basso acustici e delle percussioni (djembè tablas, cajon, darabuka etc.) al posto della batteria.
The KUIRINO are formed on the shores of the Ombrone (Pistoia) in the month of August, 2000 for initiative of the bass player and singer Giacomo Galigani that has already written about ten pieces (music and texts) inspired (if really we want to frame them in a kind) to the dirty sonorities of Seattle and particularly to groups as Alice in Chains and Soundgarden.
To realize this project Giacomo called Nicola Buscioni to the battery that had already shared a musical experience in the heavy metal group from Pistoia ..Against What.. and Claudio Vivarelli to the guitar that had made part with Nicola of the first attempt of “heavy rock” ever realized on the Mountain Pistoiese in the first years ’90. To the soloist guitar it comes “summoned” Massimo Bozzetti, also coming from a heritage of matrix hard-rock.
The group begins live to the Palasport of Pistoia on the occasion of a rock Festival in September, where they played for forty minutes. The rather elaborate sound, the double present voices in almost all the pieces (the voice of Giacomo, the voice of Claudio) and the stage and charismatic presence of Giacomo, confers to the band solidity and power.
Kuirino played in other local in Pistoia (Gavinana..s Pub, the Irish Pub of Pistoia to quote some of it), to the Mulligan (Empoli) and more times to the Keller Plaza of Prato receiving good consents.
Around one year later the band strives in the realization of an acoustic project. The percussions replace the battery and some of the already existing pieces are elaborated again, with more consistent addition of some covers (Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones and others).
The band records the first demo of 6 pieces in November 2001. In the 3 acoustic pieces the soloist guitar is submitted to a “new purchase”, Gianluca Sebastio while Massimo prefers to deal only with the electric part.
A few months after the group use some didjeridoo of Patrizio Biagini, that convers to the sound further originality and compactness.
The Kuirino continue their activity and they increase the number of concerts (with averages that reach five dates a month in the summer period) in both the versions, and desultorily they take part to the organization of provincial festival, as the ..Mountain Rock Festival,.. that takes place two times a year in different places of the Mountain Pistoiese.
In the summer of 2003 the Kuirino are selected by Rock Tv for “TIM TOUR”, and they played with other groups on the stage of Arezzo on June 27 with the passage Women’s graces, recording the first video official live. Subsequently they come for an interview live in Rock’s TV in Milano studios .
They participate to the Trofeo Cencios, a musical contest (a well known place in Prato in which groups of notable thickness usually play like The Afterhours, Marlene Kuntz, Extrema etc.) they went for second place, after four selections, earning an evening all for them in the following 27 September.
At the end of October 2003, the Kuirino are in the recording studio for a new cd, composed by 9 pieces. The cd doesn’t have a precise kind. The passages goes to grunge of the beginnig ’90 to anything not well identified. It uses some ethnic sounds (like tablas, darabuka and most of them didjeridoo) and of oriental atmospheres.
The acoustic section always proceeds with a number of greater performances (above all Irish Pub of Pistoia with monthly frequency, still Rock Festival of Pistoia supporting the Vallanzaska and Zero Zero Ufo of Montecarlo in Lucca) that they culminate in the summer of 2004 in a concert to the extra d..Arte of Maresca (annual Festival on the Road). To underline more and more the evident involvement of the public and other musicians. Fundamental it is a new element to the mixer Michelangelo Puccianti that decidedly have conferred a good sound in their live performences, he..d also guaranted good recordings.
The Kuirino begin to record the acoustic CD in January 2005 alternating their live performence with recording studio. In the CD the experimentation of new sonorities is underlined, with tablas, mandolin, violin and the presence of the didjerid
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